Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Granola is a Creature Comfort

Since I was in the neighborhood I decided to stop at the Wellcome supermarket today. I picked up a few things that have taken my life from good to fabulous.

First was a mug. I've been borrowing Tracy's and now I have my own. Which has a monkey on it. Well I think its a monkey.

Next was some instant coffe. Now I know you're thinking that instant coffee could not possibly improve anyone's life, but here's how it is. Today before class I picked up a vanilla latte at starbucks. And I admitted to myself that the tea I've been drinking in the morning is not cutting it. I was all 'when in rome' trying to drink tea, but this girl needs some coffee. There being no coffee maker in our pantry (which is actually a big room with an entire kitchen, couch and tv in it) I got instant. There's a water heater thing for tea that works just as well on instant coffee. Or as I've discovered, Ramen.

Ok I also got some Granola cereal. I love granola, and its a much healthier snack than the Girl Scout cookies I've been munching on.

I got a bowl. Its quite a pretty bowl and it holds granola or soup or other bowl-like things.

Finally I got some chopsticks. I'm pretty decent with chopsticks, but when I'm really hungry my skills degenerate and while most restauants have plastic forks around they are in a dispenser marked 'retard utensils' and if you use them they actually make you wear a big 'L' on your forehead. So now I have my own chopsticks to practice with and use at home.

So that trip to the store improved my life ten-fold. Pretty sweet.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am very please to hear that you are adding whole grains to your diet. Best of luck with the chopsticks.

1/24/2006 8:41 PM  

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