Sunday, January 15, 2006

Hong Kong T minus 35 hours

Oh man, we're coming down to the line now. Let me lay the scene for you. At o'dawn o'clock tomorrow morning the fam minus me head out for the airport and the city. Emily leaves for school and mom is going to exotic Wisconsin after work tomorrow. Dad's coming home. He still likes me. I am now about 35 hours from my noon Tuesday take-off. Am I ready? you may ask. Well lets survey the situation in pictures:

This is my unwashed laundry that needs to be washed and packed.

This is the floor of my room. Very organized. Obviously I'm completely packed already.

This is the pile of clothes I've decided not to take. I'm actually quite proud of this.

And on the upside of everything, my new haircut still looks fantastic!

So I've been doing my usual unfocused, disorganized, stream of consciousness packing all day and I'm pretty sure that gave mom an aneurysm. She tried not to show it and I let her pack a little of my stuff. But in my IE world I can't really commit to putting anything in a suitcase until I have all the stuff ready to be packed. Also I don't pack by clothing type, but by size. Mom put all my underwear in a pocket. [shakes head] This makes no sense. Underwear are so small that they beg to be shoved into corners and gaps between stacks of pants. Oh well.

I'll close by saying that I have not yet begun to panic. I'm sure I will eventually, but right now I've got the CD Miranda made me for my birthday going and I finally found the right cord for my camera. So, basically, I'm pleased as punch. Also mom found some month old SweetTarts in my backpack... yum!

Until next we cybermeet-
Abby, the distracted and unconcerned


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