Thursday, May 11, 2006

Things I've learned in Hong Kong

Several of my friends have left Hong Kong this week, and so its starting to feel like the end. This got me thinking. Everyone told me I'd learn so much being on exchange and I think I have picked up a few lessons. Which I'd like to share.

  1. Walking into a building from the street does not ensure that you are on the ground floor.
  2. You never have to walk uphill, or upstairs. If you think you do, you just haven't found the lift yet.
  3. "Cell Phone" is American for "Mobile". No one outside of the states speaks American.
  4. There is nothing the Chinese won't eat, and nowhere they will not build. More specifically there's nowhere they won't build a mall.
  5. Its better to eat the animal served with its head still intact, because there is less mystery about what animal and which body part you are about to ingest.
  6. Midwestern women are the most adventurous eaters. Europeans will eat pizza with octopus on it, but are little nancy boys about a little cow tongue. Most girls can't handle an animal that looks at you.
  7. The reason Chinese television shows are broadcasted in the states is that they aren't worth watching. Except the road show. But that only plays on the bus.
  8. Buses aren't for poor people, they are for people with places to go. Cars are for people who have too much free time and too much money.
  9. Octopus cards are the best thing ever. Every country should have them.
  10. Midnight is a perfectly acceptable time to start a meeting that will last 3 hours. Because nothing important happens before 2pm anyway.
  11. Cool local bars only exist in countries where local people drink.
  12. There is a lot of gray area between commitment and addiction. People tend to judge to quickly.
  13. Talking politics with a European who is drinking is never rewarding.
  14. Window screens are not yet standard worldwide.
  15. AIM is American. Everyone else uses MSN. Its not superior, people just think it is, because Americans don't use it.
  16. In Chinese, there is no difference between the words 'he' and 'she'. This causes a lot of confusion when they are speaking English to you. They also don't understand plural.
  17. Only the worst of American pop music makes it across the ocean. The closest thing I've heard to good music is U2. Or occasionally some really 80's pop.
  18. Its acceptable for boys to have Hello Kitty sheets. Or to hold hands. Or to have sleepovers. And cuddle.
  19. In Cantonese 'I don't understand' is the same as 'I have a question'. That's fricken brilliant.
  20. Chesty and flirtatious is attractive in basically all cultures.
I'm sure I've learned other lessons. Stay tuned.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was hoping you would learn how to reverse the US-China trade imbalance but these things seem more useful.

5/12/2006 6:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i miss you

5/13/2006 12:38 AM  
Blogger Hannah said...

so true, so insightful! number 4, those hongkongcanese realy do push the line between comittment and addiction when it comes to shoping centres:)

5/21/2006 7:32 AM  

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